Thursday, July 18, 2013

Budgeting is for Winners

Budgeting: a word that makes most people cringe. When budgeting comes up in a conversation, most of us would hurriedly change the subject. But is there more to it than crunching numbers, stressing over balancing, and bang your head on the table? I think so.

The very definition of the word isn't necessarily indicative of spreadsheets and piles of receipts on the kitchen table. Budgeting, simply, is being conscious of what you're spending in relation to how much you're making. Good budgeting would be keeping expenses lower than income.

I feel that budgeting is important in life. It may seem stressful to make that kind of an effort, but in the long run, it can prevent and relieve much more stress. Debt is one of the major reasons for so many divorces. Financial instability seems to be one of the main causes of unhappiness. I don't think that money is the source of happiness, but self-reliance and discipline can bring happiness.

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